Apr 19, 2022
Dr. Navaz Habib, is the founder of “Health Upgraded” an online Functional Health Optimisation clinic and the host of “The Health Upgrade Podcast”. He works with high performing professionals, athletes and entrepreneurs to dig deeper and find the root causes what is holding back their health. In identifying the root causes of health imbalances, and addressing them naturally, his patients experience optimal health the way their bodies were meant to feel, and allow them to give back to the world in whatever way they want to serve. Dr. Habib’s book “Activate Your Vagus Nerve” is a simple to follow guide to help you identify and address a major missing piece in patients dealing with chronic health concerns such as anxiety and depression. By activating the Vagus nerve, he teaches how we can optimise our productivity, focus and energy levels, allowing us to experience the effects of upgraded health.
For more on Dr Navaz Habib you can follow him:
Website: www.drhabib.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrNavazHabib
Ihttps://link.chtbl.com/trupti nstagram: www.instagram.com/DrNavazHabib
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drnavazhabib/
Links to your books: www.vagusnervebook.com
Related Episodes:
094 - Neurology And Eastern Medicine For Better Sleep With Dr Trupti Gokani MD
091 - Three Brain Connection & Sleep
069 - A Brain Based Approach Of Evaluating And Restoring Sleep With Dr Spencer Zimmerman
-For more on Deepa:
Deepa is an Allied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Author and a Yogini at Phytothrive. Having a son with a rare adrenal disorder gave her insight into the working of the adrenals. Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 14 times NY Times Bestselling Author. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020. Her book on sleep with HarperCollins releases in 2022. She has been featured on the award winning podcast 15-Minute Matrix and UK Health Radio discussing sleep.
💎 Website: https://phytothrive.com
💎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsleepwhisperer
💎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysleepwhisperer/
💎Blue Light Blockers: https://vivarays.com?sca_ref=1132978.lTmZvKjZ2k
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💎Write to: support@phytothrive.com
💎Write to: deepa@phytothrive.com